I just got an email that our monthly (yes, monthly is all we can get) delivery of raw milk is not happening next week because we don't have enough orders. I'm not frustrated with the delivery driver because he's got to make a living too, but I am angry with the law that makes it illegal for dairy farmers to sell raw milk or for anyone to distribute raw milk in Georgia.
I just do not understand why in the world I, as an educated consumer, cannot purchase the kind of milk that I want. Does that mean I think that I should be able to go to any dairy and purchase raw milk...no. I want a certified raw milk farm. Most have higher standards than commercial dairies because pasteurized milk is heated to such high temperatures that the milk doesn't have to be handled as carefully as certified raw milk does. So I absolutely do not want to drive up to some commercial dairy and pick up a jug or two of their raw milk.
As long as the raw milk farms adhere to the standards placed upon them, why does it matter to anyone where I buy my milk. I seriously have to drive across the bridge to the next state over to pick up my milk. The driver can't even cross the border into Georgia or guess what? He could be arrested. And, that's not all. If I were to pick up a friend's milk on pick-up day and take it to them, I could get arrested for distribution. Really?
Here's a link to an interesting story about our tax dollars at work helping to keep raw milk "contraband" out of our homes. I'm just sick that we devote this many resources to preventing people who are just trying to be as healthy as they can for themselves, their family and their environment and world. http://www.onlineathens.com/stories/101709/new_505698081.shtml
I'd like to talk about why my husband and I decided to begin drinking raw milk. That's a much longer post for another day.
Here's a picture of when we visited the farm where my sister in law gets her raw milk. She's part of a cow share (wish we could find that around here).
Recipe bonus:
I've decided to add my recipes that we try out onto my blog as I can. I was going to try to have the recipes relate to my topics, but eh, I can do whatever I want because it's my blog, right? :)
This is a recipe I borrowed from a blog I'm following: http://cfscceat.blogspot.com/
We are following it because Wes wants to develop a Paleo/Zone diet (more on this later because honestly, I don't even know how to explain it myself yet) and this website has great recipes and pictures, which I love. I guess I'll have to get on the ball and take a few pictures to put with my meals, huh?
I was apprehensive about trying this out. Agave? A sweetener...on chicken? But then again, honey is often paired with chicken, so why not try? I'd say it landed somewhere between 4-5 stars, with 5 being the highest. What's great is that with the leftover chicken, my niece and I chopped it up the next day for lunch. I had a salad and she had a wrap. So tender and juicy leftover!
Mustard Agave Chicken with Veggies
4 skinless, boneless, chicken breasts (pounded and cut in half)
2 T olive oil
Garlic powder, black pepper, and sea salt
1/4 C chicken broth - best if you make your own
3 T agave nectar - we buy organic and keep it on hand to sweeten our coffee
1/4 C dijon mustard
2-4 cups broccoli crowns
1 small yellow onion - we cut into quarters
Sprinkle garlic powder, pepper and sea salt over chicken breasts and brown in olive oil, about 3 minutes on each side, then place in baking dish.
Deglaze pan with chicken broth.
Whisk together mustard and agave, and add pan juices!
Mix well and pour over chicken breasts.
Top chicken with broccoli and onions, cover with foil and bake for about 35 minutes at 350 degrees.
We had a salad on the side with homemade mustard lemon vinaigrette. YUM
Ok, I meant to tell you that I saw the Agave at Kroger yesterday! So now at least I know what it is!
ReplyDeleteLet's all get together and buy a couple of cows.