It's not that I'm not eating enough food ...or so I think. I eat avocado at breakfast with eggs and always on any salad. I eat bacon in the mornings. I eat more beef than on a typical Paleo diet. I eat more nuts than is recommended. I eat more protein than normal. I eat more snacks throughout the day than recommended. And STILL my body apparently needed more. I freaked and bought some Nutella to eat. Not because I craved the sugar. I actually am doing MUCH better this go around than before when the sugar cravings were killing me! I got that because it was full of fat and at least I'd get a tiny bit of protein (yes, I realize it is made with lots o' sugar and milk) BUT let me tell you that the next two nights I slept so much better because my baby decided that my milk now was sufficient.
I do not want to eat that much sugar. So I found several other high calorie/fat snacks to add in. I feel as though my meals are sufficient since I'm eating more than average with the proteins and fats, so I feel making my in between small meals as fatty and high calorie as possible may help. Who knows. It's just not something I'm willing to play around with. I am eating very healthy...well, much healthier than I was, so at least my milk is better for my baby. I'm hoping the new way to get fat/calories will work. If not, I will absolutely eat some more Nutella. I need sleep and my baby does too. And if Nutella is a way to do it, then fine. It's MUCH less sugar/dairy than I ever have consumed in my life, so I'm okay with it for now. After she weans, I'll definitely go back at it super strict.
I roasted them and then made a balsamic glaze to pour over. They smelled very 'earthy' as they were cooking. When I put them on a plate to try, I admit I was not excited about putting them in my mouth. I made my husband taste them first! :) He didn't think they were bad. In fact, he ate them again the next day. Maybe he was just trying not to waste food! I tasted one and although it was awful, it's just not something I thought was great. I'll continue to try them. But until someone else makes them, I may just hold off for now.
I tried...but I could not make them look appealing at all.
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